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About Workshop

Join us for a hands-on workshop with international leaders focused on the exploration of non-ordinary experiences, the vast spectrum of the human experience, and mental health. This event is dedicated to advancing research methodologies and enhancing the skills necessary to empower researchers in this intriguing field.


It is a great honour to have Prof Ann Taves, researcher and professor emeritus of religious studies at University of California, Santa Barbara, and former president of the American Academy of Religion. She has long-standing interests in theory and methods related to the historical, comparative, and scientific study of non-ordinary experiences. Author of several articles and books including Fits, Trances, and Visions (Princeton, 1999), Religious Experience Reconsidered (Princeton, 2009) e Revelatory Events (Princeton, 2016). She will present the Foundations and History of The Inventory of Nonondinary Experiences (INOE).


This transdisciplinary journey encompasses cognitive, social, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual dimensions, offering a comprehensive view of human experience.


We aim to bringing together researchers from diverse perspectives to foster a rich dialogue and collaborative exploration. The workshop aims not just to push the boundaries of scientific understanding but also to explore practical applications that can enhance well-being, education, and intercultural relations.


By participating, you'll join a community seeking to illuminate pathways for humanity through a multifaceted examination of what it means to be human. This is an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to and be part of a research program that aspires to decode the complexities of the human mind, with implications for our collective future.

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