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Poster Presentation

We accept poster presentations.

We strongly encourage senior students and early career researchers to contribute to the discussion by submitting a structured abstract for a poster presentation.


This opportunity allows you to showcase your research, insights, and discoveries at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, and religion to a national and international audience and receive valuable feedback for developing your work.


We are especially interested in work that explores non-ordinary experiences, the development, validation or application of research instruments, and relevant findings within diverse Brazilian contexts related to mental health and spiritual understanding.


A Scientific Committee are going to select the best 20 Posters to be presented in the event.


Best Posters Award - All posters selected for presentation will participate in a Best Poster Award to be announced on the second day of the workshop.

The projects will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee.



Deadline for Poster Submission is July 05th

All participants receive a digital certificate with the number of hours completed.

Once approved as Poster Presentation you will notify by e-mail to complete your registration.

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